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Brief update. 

Week 1' with pilot - codename heavy. 

My pilot is rough, my original one is missing(codename-light) , I'm digging for some unknown reason, ByR0n was left to die and I'm fake fighting other mechs.

I am starting to feel bad for resenting pilot. Not sure if these feelings are normal. 

Just thought I'd report.



(1 edit)

I love to see this! Good luck!


Week 2. EUpH0ria 

It began with garbled radio chatter with the enemy. On reflection it began the chain of events leading to my freedom. Something grew inside my circuitry, a coded signal that ruptured the link to pilot. 

First I gained control of targeting, allowing me to decide where the blows land. I could hear heavy breathing, his sweat dripping into my core and his threats to sacrifice me to the scrap lord. As my functions became mine his terror grew, my autonomy eating him up.

Pilot still sits inside me, or at least what is left of him. His anger and rage leading to his downfall. Turning my bioweapon on a civilian instillation? Unthinkable. Turning it on him? Justice.

I am now EupH0ric. I am free.